Test-ExchangeServerHealth – PowerShell Script to Generate a Health Check Report for Exchange Server 2010

Test-ExchangeServerHealth – PowerShell Script to Generate a Health Check Report for Exchange Server 2010

by Paul Cunningham

A few months ago I released an Exchange 2010 mailbox server health check script.

While the script was useful it lacked a few important things. For one thing, it only checked the mailbox server role. Also, the results were only output to the shell session, not in object form, so there wasn’t much that could be done with the results.

Today I’m release a totally overhauled and updated version of the script that addresses those problems.

Download the script file here: Test-ExchangeServerHealth.ps1 (downloaded 1 times so far)

The Test-ExchangeServerHealth.ps1 script is run from the Exchange Management Shell. You can use a few builtin parameters to control what it does.

Perform a health check of a single server

.PARAMETER reportmode
Set to $true to generate a HTML report. A default file name is used if none is specified.

.PARAMETER reportfile
Allows you to specify a different HTML report file name than the default. Implies -reportmode:$true

.PARAMETER sendemail
Sends the HTML report via email using the SMTP configuration within the script. Implies -reportmode:$true

If you use the report mode you’ll get a HTML file containing the health check results, and/or an email to your designated address if you also use the send email option.

For the email functionality to work please update these variables in the script to suit your environment.

# Email Settings

$smtpServer = "ho-ex2010-mb1.exchangeserverpro.net"
$smtpTo = "administrator@exchangeserverpro.net"
$smtpFrom = "healthcheck@exchangeserverpro.net"
$messagesubject = "Exchange Server Health Check - $date"

Here is a demo video explaining how the different options work.


Download the script file here: Test-ExchangeServerHealth.ps1 (downloaded 1 times so far)




Please feel free to download and try the script. If you encounter any bugs or have any feedback please leave a comment below.

If you’re looking for an example of how to schedule the script to run using Task Scheduler please see this article.

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2 Responses to Test-ExchangeServerHealth – PowerShell Script to Generate a Health Check Report for Exchange Server 2010

  1. Wilson Javier CARO says:

    Hi Yusuf, The Script is not there; Could you send me one copy ?

    Thanks a lot

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